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The growing popularity of progressive web applications (PWAs) made it a much-debated topic in today’s time. There are many reasons why PWAs are popular among enterprises – affordability is one of these factors that prompted a large number of enterprises who don’t wish to spend more money on developing native applications.

Affordability is not only the sole reason why businesses prefer to opt for progressive web app development services, natives features of PWAs made it the hottest choice as well.

Some native features such as push notification, offline connectivity, and others also played a vital role in making it the right choice among developers. A PWA can bring a complete mobile web experience, which is indeed quite closer to delivering a completely native experience.

How Progressive Web Apps are Ready for Enterprises

The credit goes to none other than Google for bringing the term progressive web apps” into the limelight. It is the advanced version of the web application that is quick and also delivers a complete user experience.

As mentioned above, these applications are available with offline capability and so users can access these easily even with poor signal strength.

Top Advantages of Progressive Web Applications

Take a look at various important benefits of progressive web applications.

  • Offline capabilities are something that offers complete control over the data, which tends to cache with the use of a service worker.
  • PWA manifest tends to make them fully discoverable and so search engines can easily notice your progressive web applications.
  • Progressive web applications are indeed safe since they are indeed perfectly served through HTTPS mainly for preventing snooping and also to ensure content that content has indeed not been tampered with.
  • These apps are blessed with a large number of features such as push notifications and also even enable users to install them on their device’s home screen, and also to ignore searching for those in app stores.

Be it Firefox, Chrome, Edge, or others, users will be able to access every important feature of progressive web applications.

Now, the big question of how progressive web applications are ready for enterprises. Well, we are going to find out the facts by going through every feature in detail. Take a look.

Top Features of PWAs that Make Them Enterprise-Ready

Discoverability and Engagement

The great benefits of progressive web applications are that these apps are easily discoverable by search engines. So, users can easily find them.

More than this, the W3C manifest is indeed capable of offering a great way of optimizing discoverability by letting apps be exposed, ranked, and categorize for search engines quite efficiently.

If we talk about push notifications, these have indeed proven themselves as the best method for increasing user engagement and thus making applications business-oriented.

Network Independence

Several enterprises have been leveraging the power of HTML5 app cache and also various web technologies mainly for improving the user experience even on the poor network.

Meanwhile, this approach comes with some genuine issues that further lead to various errors that are indeed irrecoverable. The introduction of service cache and service worker lets the app store application assets locally and also various important data for future use.

Besides, the App Shell Architecture, on the other hand, is also useful in segregating user content from valuable data. Besides, it also lets the app load quickly irrespective of network conditions.

Responsive Design and Progressive Development

When it comes to progressive development techniques, these developers have been leveraged for several years. Mobile app developers can also use it to deliver a seamless experience on those several full-capable browsers.

Besides, developers will also be able to certain specific app behaviors with the use of libraries such as Modernizr, which is highly helpful in recognizing features of browsers.

Installability and Native Experience

We apps users access through the URL rather than downloading it from the app store and installing it like a regular mobile application. Indeed, the process is smooth and straightforward, revisiting URLs has been a prominent issue for those various end-users as they have to remember URLs every time to access the application.

PWA manifests on the other handles users add the application to their home screen and access it whenever they wish.


Well, above are some features that indicate the growing dominance of PWAs and also why it is said to be –enterprise-ready. To develop a PWA, you need to hire a reliable progressive web app development company.


Mahabir is the founder and CEO of iWebServices. He specializes in guiding startups, enterprises, and Fortune 500 companies through their digital transformation journeys. Under his leadership, the company has developed over 1300 digital products, including mobile apps, SaaS platforms, and advanced AI and blockchain solutions. Mahabir's passion for technology, adaptability to emerging tech trends, and visionary leadership qualities have positioned him as an influential figure in the pursuit of digital product investment.


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